


Everyone says Regular Health Check ups are very important. Yes let us agree this point. Most of the Regular health check us only tells us the current health status of an individual. The health check up services offered /promoted by Hospitals are mainly to drag customer from OPD to IP patient. The customer needs to approach either doctor or a hospital to address his health issues. Most of healthcare services providers like Hospitals and Diagnostic Lab provide the treatment services by adopting any one of the System of Medicine ( Either Allopathy, Ayruveda or some other systems) Hritvi uses Advanced Integrated Ayurveda, Allopathy and other Allied therapies to treat diseases .

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Hritvi’s Swasthyam offers comprehensive health check up and followed by host of other services to take care of your 360 degree health and wellness. Hritvi’s Swasthyam has been designed in such way that all vital organs parameters (104 blood test parameters) included. Apart from this Hrivi’s Swasthyam offers

  • Comprehensive Health Check up – Rs.6350.00 

    ( 104 parameters)

  • Consultation with our Panel Doctors – Rs.3000.00 

    ( Six Consultations )

  • Clinical Assessment and Personalized Diet Chart- Rs. 500.00 

    ( By Doctor)

  • Nutritional Supplements / Immune boosters – Rs.3150.00


  • Free Annual subscription – Rs.3150.00
    (Discount upto 30% on the therapies offered at Hritvi Centers)
I Complete Heamogram 24 tests
1 Basophils Absolute Count
2 Eosinophils Absolute Count
3 Lymphocytes Absolute Count
4 Monocytes Absolute Count
5 Neutrophils Absolute Count
6 Basophils  
7 Eosinophils  
8 Heamoglobin  
9 Immature Granulocytes IG
10 Immature Granulocytes Percentage IG %
11 Total Leucocytes Count  
12 Lymphocytes Percentage  
13 Mean Corpuscular Heamoglobin MCH
14 Mean Corpuscular Heamoglobin Conc MCHC
15 Mean Corpusculat Volume MCV
16 Monocytes  
17 Neutrophils  
18 Nucleated Red Blood Cells  
19 Nucleated Red Blood Cells percentage  
20 Heamatocrit PCV
21 Platelet Count  
22 Total RBC  
23 Red Cell Distribution width RDW-CV
24 Red Cell Distribution width-SD RDW-SD
II Liver Profile 11 tests
25 Serum Albumin/Globulin Ratio  
26 Alkaline phosphatase  
27 Bilirubin Direct
28 Bilirubin Indirect
29 Bilirubin Total
30 Gamma Glutamyl Transferase GGT
31 Protien Total
32 Albumin Serum
33 Globulin Serum
34 Aspartate AminoTransfarase SGOT
35 Alanine Transaminase SGPT
III Cardiac Risk Markers 7 tests
36 APO B / APO A1 Ratio APO B/ A1
37 Apolipoprotien A1 APO-A1
38 Apolipoprotien- B APO B
39 Homocystine  
40 High Sensitivity C Reactive Protien HS-CRP
41 Lipoprotien LP (A)
42 LP – PLA2  
IV Renal Profile 6 tests
43 BUN / Serum Creatinine Ratio  
44 Blood Urea Nitrogen BUN
45 Calcium  
46 Cystatin C  
47 Serum Creatinine  
48 Uric Acid  
V Diabetes Profile 5 tests
49 Avarage Blood Glucose ABG
50 Blood Ketone D3HB
51 Fructosamine  
52 HbA1c  
53 Insulin – Fasting  
VI Pancretic 2 tests
54 Amylase  
55 Lipase  
VII Lipids 12 tests
56 Total Cholesterol  
57 HDL Cholesterol  
58 LDL Cholesterol  
59 LDL/HDL Ratio  
60 Non HDL Cholesterol  
61 TC/ HDL Ratio  
62 Triclycerides  
63 VLDL Cholesterol  
VII Thyroids 3 tests
64 Total Tri Iodothyronine T3
65 Total Thyroxin T4
66 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone TSH
IX Iron Deficiancy 4 tests
67 % Transferrin Saturation  
68 Ferritin  
69 Iron  
70 Total Iron Binding Capacity TIBC
X Arthiritis 2 tests
71 Anti CCP ACCP
72 Anti Nuclear Antibodies ANA
XI Electrolytes 2 tests
73 Chloride  
74 Sodium  
XII Elements 2 tests
75 Serum Copper  
76 Serum Zinc  
XIII Vitamins 3 test
77 Folate  
78 Vitamin B12  
79 25-OH Vitamind D Total
XIV Toxic Elements 22 tests
80 Silver  
81 Aluminium  
82 Arsenic  
83 Barium  
84 Beryllium  
85 Bismuth  
86 Cadmium  
87 Cobalt  
88 Chromium  
89 Caesium  
90 Mercury  
91 Manganese  
92 Molybdenum  
93 Nickel  
94 Lead  
95 Antimony  
96 Selenium  
97 Tin  
98 Thallium  
99 Strontium  
100 Uranium  
101 Vanadium  
XV Hormones 1 test
102 Testosterone  
XVI Wellness 2 tests
103 Ionic Calcium  
104 Parathyroid Hormone  


Medicinal Supplements : Customer can choose supplements
woth of Rs. 3000 on MRP listed below


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